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Professional Development : Turns 101

  • 38 Steps


Professional Development Turns 101 covers the 5 fundamental Turns that all social dances require. All vernacular social dances, incorporate a number of fundamental turn techniques, that can be used either in their singular form, or combined to form more complex turn patterns.  
For clarification, this is not the same as partner turn patterns, which are particular to each dance style.  
The turns described in this module are shapeless, in that they have no particular style. Each dance style will shape these turns to give that dance it's particular character, however the underlying technique will remain the same. Completion of this challenge requires that the participant knows - The Five Turns of social dancing and can identify them in various social dances. - Can execute the 5 turns in their generic form to a level of competency - Can give examples of their use in the context of their chosen dances These 5 turns are considered the essential to every style of dance. Keep in mind that there are more advanced turns, though they are usually a modification of one of these fundamental turns.

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